Be a Vendor

The Urban Flea Market, Salt Lake City's biggest flea market, is a marketplace where vendors can sell a selection of eclectic vintage, used and new items including clothing, records, original artwork, furniture, tools, oddball knick knacks and more. It is a great community outlet for vendors to sell unwanted items that will be treasures for others.

Dates & Times

The Urban Flea Market is held one Sunday per month—indoors from November to April and outdoors from May to September. All markets held rain or shine.

  • Vendor Check-In Time: 7:30am – 9:00am (Sunday load-in only)
  • Event Time: The Urban Flea Market is open to the public on Sunday from 10:00am to 4:00pm.
  • Vendor Load-Out: 4:15pm – 5:45pm. All vendors must be off the property by 6:00pm.

Upcoming Markets


April Urban Flea Market - Indoor - Single Space

Apr 13, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 100 sq feet.


April Urban Flea Market - Indoor - Double Space

Apr 13, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 200 sq feet.


April Urban Flea Market - Indoor - Micro Space

Apr 13, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Single 6' Table


May Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Single Space

May 18, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 100 sq feet.


May Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Double Space

May 18, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 200 sq feet.


June Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Single Space

Jun 08, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 100 sq feet.


June Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Double Space

Jun 08, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 200 sq feet.


July Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Single Space

Jul 13, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 100 sq feet.


July Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Double Space

Jul 13, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 200 sq feet.


August Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Single Space

Aug 10, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 100 sq feet.


August Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Double Space

Aug 10, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 200 sq feet.


October Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Single Space

Oct 12, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 100 sq feet.


October Urban Flea Market - Outdoor - Double Space

Oct 12, 2025 10:00 am -4:00 pm

Approximately 200 sq feet.

Indoor Vendor Space Details:

Single vendor spaces are approximately 100 sq ft in various configurations. Double vendor spaces are approximately 200 sq ft in various configurations.The Urban Flea market does not supply tables, chairs or any equipment. 

Indoor Winter Market Vendor Space Options:

Individual Indoor Market Dates: All indoor Winter Market Vendor Spaces are Reserved/Pre-Assigned: The vendor fee is $125 per single vendor space for each event date. Double spaces are available for $250 per double vendor space for each event date. Micro vendor spaces are also available for $100 per market date on a limited basis for vendors that only require enough space for one single 6' table. Please request a micro vendor space via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Vendors can book in person, at the market, to secure their choice of reserved space. Indoor vendor spaces reserved online may be selected by the management. Vendors that do not commit to every market date in the season may have their space reassigned when they skip market dates. 

Season/Multiple Indoor Market Dates: Vendors can book in person, or at the market, to secure their choice of reserved space for the season or any remaining dates at the time of booking by paying in full, in advance. The vendor fee is $125 per single vendor space for each event date. Double spaces are available for $250 per double vendor space for each event date.

Items / Services not permitted at the market:

  • food vendors and vendors selling edible items. This includes anything that can be consumed by people or animals (bottled beverages, candy, prepackaged items, homemade treats, etc...)
  • weapons
  • animals for sale or trade
  • drug paraphernalia
  • illegal or questionable items
  • physical or cosmetic services (massage, piercing, teeth whitening, etc.)
  • CBD products or MLM products
  • current political campaign promotional materials and signage
  • promotion of any businesses or organizations (except our sponsors)
  • the promotion of services
  • mass produced items

For complete list and information, please read the Vendor Rules & Guidelines.

Additional Details

  • ALL vendors must arrive before 9:00AM or their space will be reassigned in order to fill in the market. 
  • Utility Trailers: Trailer fee is not required for ALL utility trailers in the winter season if arranged in advance, via email, prior to market dates. The fee is $40 cash at the gate for unreserved trailers. 
  • All markets are rain, snow or shine! No refunds available. Market date transfers are not allowed within 7 days prior to the market date you are confirmed for.

Indoor Vendor Rules & Guidelines

2024/2025 Indoor Winter Market Season: November - April

The 2024 INDOOR Winter market dates are:

  • November 10
  • December 8
  • January 12
  • February 9
  • March 9 (Daylight Savings!)
  • April 13

The following is important event information that is vital for your success as a vendor. You must read and follow all information and rules to participate as a vendor at the Urban Flea Market.

INDOOR WINTER MARKET LOCATION: The Gateway, 18 N Rio Grande Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.

MARKET HOURS: The market is open to the public from 10am to 4pm

ADMISSION: The entry fee for the public is $3 per person. Ages 12 and under are free.

WINTER MARKET PARKING: The market offers free public parking in the ‘North Garage”. Entrances are on 400 West and 100 South

WEATHER: All markets are open rain, snow, or shine!

Vendor Information, Rules and Guidelines



Individual Indoor Market Dates: All indoor Winter Market Vendor Spaces are Reserved/Pre-Assigned: The vendor fee is $125 per single vendor space for each event date. Double spaces are available for $250 per double vendor space for each event date. Vendors can book in person, at the market, to secure their choice of reserved space. Indoor vendor spaces reserved online may be selected by the management. Vendors that do not commit to every market date in the season may have their space reassigned when they skip market dates.    . 

Season/Multiple Indoor Market Dates: Vendors can book in person, or at the market, to secure their choice of reserved space for the season or any remaining dates at the time of booking by paying in full, in advance. The vendor fee is $125 per single vendor space for each event date. Double spaces are available for $250 per double vendor space for each event date.

VENDOR SPACE AND SIZE: Each vendor space is approximately 100 - 110 square feet depending on the configuration of the venue. Vendor items must stay within their assigned vendor space.

ITEMS TO BRING: Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs, displays, and items to sell. We recommend that you bring carts or dollies to transport items to your space. Vendor spaces are within a reasonable distance from the loading zone, but carts are highly recommended. Please plan accordingly and bring carts and people to help.

FOOD AND BEVERAGES: The markets will NOT have food trucks. We encourage vendors to pack lunch. Bottled water for purchase will be available at the market entry tent. A few restaurants at the Gateway offer takeout and delivery. “The Store” at The Gateway offers a large selection of prepared and packaged food items and beverages.

FOR CLOTHING VENDORS: If you will be selling clothing, vendors are not allowed to put clothing on the ground in piles or boxes. All clothing must be on tables or hung on clothing racks.

POWER: Vendor spaces do not have access to power.

DIGITAL PAYMENTS AND ATMS: We encourage vendors to offer digital payment options such as Venmo. The market will have two cash ATM machines for cash transactions. We encourage all vendors to bring change for buyers – ones, fives, tens, and quarters. Vendors are responsible for all transactions with buyers.

IF YOU CAN’T ATTEND A MARKET: If you can’t attend a market and want to transfer your space to someone else, you must notify the Urban Flea Market no less than ten (10) days prior to the market with the name, email address and phone number of the person using your space. All vendors must be pre-approved before a space can be transferred. It is also required that all vendors receive, review, and approve the Vendor Rules & Guidelines before selling at the market. The Urban Flea Market will not assist in ‘selling’ your space to another vendor.

MARKET DATE TRANSFER REQUESTS: Unfortunately, due to limited indoor vendor space availability, market date transfer requests are NOT available for the Indoor Winter Market. Refunds are not available, but you may transfer your space to another vendor with prior approval from the Urban Flea Market. See above paragraph for details.

ITEMS / SERVICES NOT ALLOWED AT THE MARKET: The following items and services are NOT allowed at the Urban Flea Market, or to be sold at the Urban Flea Market Food or edible items. This includes anything that can be consumed by people or animals (bottled beverages, candy, prepackaged items, homemade treats, etc...)

  • Food or edible items. This includes anything that can be consumed by people or animals (bottled beverages, candy, prepackaged items, homemade treats, etc...)
  • Firearms, ammunition, or weapons of any kind
  • Fireworks
  • Animals for sale or trade
  • Paraphernalia commonly used or associated with the use of any drugs.
  • CBD products
  • MLM products
  • Illegal or questionable items not normally obtained on the open market
  • Mass produced items - Contact us if you have questions about items in this category
  • Physical or cosmetic services (massage, piercing, teeth whitening, etc...)
  • Political campaign promotional materials and signage
  • Promotion of any businesses or organizations
  • Promotional goods and services that do not fit the flea market, vintage, yard sale style, handcrafted market model
  • Outside Marketing: Any posters, banners, signs, tents, or distribution of marketing material promoting outside markets and events is strictly prohibited and will only be allowed by official sponsors of the Urban Flea Market. There will be space available at the market information tent for outside market and event flyers. Please take any of these items to the information tent the morning of the market
  • Items that by sale, possession, or use are in violation of City, County, State, or Federal Laws
  • Open flames, lit candles and burning incense are not allowed at any time in the market area
  • If you bring any of these items, you will be asked to leave the market and a refund will not be issued. The Urban Flea Market reserves the right to prohibit the display and sales of any items deemed inappropriate for the market by the market management or any items that are illegal/prohibited by law

ALL VENDOR MERCHANDISE SUBJECT TO REVIEW: All vendors and vendor merchandise are subject to review and approval by the Urban Flea Market to maintain the format of the flea market business model. The Urban Flea Market reserves the right to refuse any vendor application or merchandise.

LIABILITY: All vendors who participate at the Urban Flea Market hold harmless the Urban Flea Market, Urban Flea Market Coordinators, Volunteers, Staff, the venue and venue representatives, and market sponsors for any damage, loss, or theft to merchandise, displays, or personal property, or injury to their person or character, virtual or otherwise, regardless of cause resulting from their participation in this event.

SECURITY / MEDICAL ISSUES: I you see a security or medical issue at the market, find a market staff member immediately. The market has security and certified medical resources to help with any situation.

NO SMOKING IN THE MARKET! Smoking is not prohibited in the market area.

NO ALCOHOL IN THE MARKET! Alcohol is not allowed in the market area.

NO REFUNDS - All markets are rain, snow, or shine! No refunds available.

Vendor Check-In and Load-In

  • All market loading is on Sunday only.
  • Vendor Check-In: 100 South Rio Grande Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (450 West) Follow directional signs to join the line-up for vendor check-in.
  • Google Maps Link for vendor check-in near The Store at The Gateway:
  • Vendor Check-In is from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM.
  • The vendor check-in entrance closes at 9:00AM sharp! If vendors do not check-in by 9:00am, their space will be reassigned to fill gaps in the market.
  • No loading into the building after 9:15AM!
  • Vendor cars may start lining up in single file. Please carefully follow directional signage. There will be visible yellow vendor directional signs.
  • The vendor check-in line opens at 7:30AM, ALL vendors must check to receive your tax letter, wristbands and yellow loading pass with the vendor’s last name. The loading pass must always be visible on your dashboard during load-in and load-out.
  • WRISTBANDS: Only TWO (2) vendor wristbands will be issued per vendor space. All vendors and vendor helpers must have their wristbands fastened to their wrists before entering the loading zone and will not be allowed into the market area without a wristband ON. Wristbands must be worn at all times. Any vendor helpers arriving after 10:00 AM must pay the $3 admission to enter the market or you need to meet them at the market entry if you have a wristband for them. There is free admission again at 3:45 PM for any vendor load-out helpers.
  • Only ONE (1) vehicle will be allowed to load-in per space. If you have two (2) vehicles, unload one vehicle, move it out of the market area, and then bring the 2nd vehicle in.
  • If you signed up through the website or at the market, please bring your receipt.
  • After checking in, vendors will directed by the flea market staff to proceed the vendor loading area. Vendors will then be directed where to park and unload in the market loading area. Cars MUST parallel park on the right or left of the road, tight to the curb, to keep the center lane clear at all times.
  • Please be patient and carefully follow all verbal instructions from flea market staff during parking, space selection and loading.
  • Once you have parked, a staff member will help you select an available indoor space if you haven’t selected a pre-reserved spot in advance on a first come, first served basis. Pre-reserved spaces will have the vendor’s last name on the assigned space.
  • ACTIVE LOADING ONLY, MOVE VEHICLE AS SOON AS YOU ARE UNLOADED. Vendors will load in all merchandise, tables, etc. and then move vehicles from the market loading zone to make room for others to unload. Vendors are not permitted to set up their vendor spaces until after their vehicles have been moved from the loading zone.
  • All vendors must be set up and ready to sell by 9:45am. The market opens to the public at 10:00am

Vendor Parking

Indoor garage parking is available for standard sized cars, vans and trucks (under 7' clearance) in the North Parking Lot. Oversized trucks and trucks with trailers can park on surrounding neighborhood streets or as directed by market staff at the event. Parking is abundant and free on the streets on the West Side of the Gateway. If you park on the street you must abide by the parking signs such as handicap, loading, permit only, etc... The Urban Flea Market is not responsible if you receive a parking ticket for any reason.

Vendor Load-Out

  • The flea market ends at 4:00 PM. Vendors must remain open until the market closes. VENDORS MUST STOP SELLING AT 4PM.
  • Free admission begins at 3:45 PM for any vendor load-out helpers.
  • Vendors MUST pack up all items BEFORE pulling vehicles into loading zone. Do not take up a load-out parking space if you are not packed up and ready to load out.
  • Vendor load-out begins at 4:15 PM.
  • Only ONE (1) vehicle will be allowed to load-out per space. If you have two (2) vehicles, load one vehicle, move it out of the market area, and then bring the 2nd vehicle in.
  • Vehicles must display yellow loading permit in the front driver's side window.
  • Vendor vehicles are not permitted to drive into the market area to unload until the road has been cleared of pedestrians and safe to proceed.
  • All items must removed from the building by 5:45pm. All vendor items must be removed at the end of the market and spaces must be free of all trash.
  • There will be a $50 fine for leaving after 5:45pm and/or leaving any garbage and items in your space after the market.
  • The Urban Flea Market reserves the right to adjust/change vendor rules and guidelines at any time.
  • The Urban Flea Market reserves the right to adjust/change market location, market configuration, vendor space configuration at any time due to unforeseen circumstances. Reserved vendor spaces will be reassigned at that time.
  • Vendors will be notified via email of any changes.

Vendor Rules & Guidelines are Subject to Change

The Urban Flea Market reserves the right to adjust/change vendor rules and guidelines at any time. The Urban Flea Market reserves the right to adjust/change market location, market configuration and vendor space configuration at any time. Vendors will be notified via email of changes.

Utah State Tax Information & Form

The State of Utah requires each vendor to submit a simple tax form to participate in any flea market, swap meet, fair or event where items are being sold. Each vendor space will need to provide a name, address, phone number, date of birth and one of the following: driver's license, state ID, state tax, tax exempt number or Social Security number. Tax forms will be supplied to each vendor at check-in. Each vendor is responsible for completing and submitting the provided tax form. If you are participating in more than one Urban Flea Market, you will only need to submit ONE tax form for all dates noted on the tax form. The form includes due date information.

Signage & Marketing Materials

Any posters, banners, signs, tents, or distribution of marketing material promoting outside businesses, organizations, services, and events is strictly prohibited and will only be available to official sponsors of the Urban Flea Market. There will be space available at the market information booth for outside events and business flyers. Please take any of these items to the information booth the morning of the market.

Thank you!

The market has received a great amount of support from the community and local media. The Gateway is a terrific downtown venue, we expect a great turn out!

Please help support the Urban Flea Market by telling your family and friends to attend and also by sharing market information through your social media outlets.


Thank you again for participating. Please let us know if you have any additional questions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

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